Apartment price in Thrissur
Looking for apartment price in Thrissur? Let’s get you some idea on the current apartment price at Thrissur and surrounding areas.
As everyone knows, apartments in the city are bound to be really expensive. Starting range of apartments around the Swaraj round is Rs.70 Lakhs and above for 1 BHK. Nandanam Plaza apartment which is around 300 meters away on MG Road is having a starting price tag of Rs. 80 Lakhs.
Poonkunnam, Thrissur Apartment Price
One of the popular apartment locations in Thrissur is Poonkunnam. Several projects in Poonkunnam and surrounding areas bear a price tag starting right from 35 Lakhs or 1 BHK apartment.
Suburban areas like Ayyanthole, Koorkanchery, Viyyur , Amala Nagar etc are also gaining popularity in the Thrissur property market. Among these, Viyyur is gaining more popularity due to the accessibility and environmental aspects. Ayyanthole, on the west of Thrissur also have a certain level of convenience factor.
Viyyur, Thrissur Apartment Price
For those who consider Viyyur area, Salim Assoications have ready apartment at Thrissur– Nandanam Haven Apartments at Viyyur. With a starting price tag of Rs. 18 Lakhs for 1 BHK, Rs. 32.6 Lakhs for 2 BHK and Rs. 43.8 Lakhs for 3 BHK, these apartments offer all types of modern facilities and peaceful living.
If you are interested, please ask us for more details here.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Which are the cheapest flats available in Thrissur?” answer-0=”We do not really know which are the cheapest. But if you are looking for budget homes, come to Haven at Viyyur, Thrissur. These flats at ready to occupy.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Can I see the flats at Thrissur – Viyyur?” answer-1=”Yes, you are most welcome to visit the project. You can see the 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]